Poignant narrative recounts the life of a young girl growing up in Scotland during the challenging days of World War I

Anne Angelo's 'A Sprig of White Heather and a Scottish Lass' is set for a new marketing campaign for 2023

PERTH, Australia, Jan. 4, 2024 Anne Angelo makes her debut in the publishing world with the unveiling of "A Sprig of White Heather and a Scottish Lass" (published by Xlibris AU in May 2022), a poignant narrative recounting her life as a young girl growing up in Scotland during the challenging days of World War I.

Born in Invergordon, Ross-shire, amidst the Highlands of Scotland, Anne Angelo's upbringing unfolded in an environment defined by the stark contrasts of her parents. Their differences in culture, social backgrounds, education, heredity, and race, coupled with the ongoing conflict since their wedding day, created a world of hatred, heartbreak, fear, disillusionment, and despair for Angelo until the age of 20.

Angelo's life took an unexpected turn at the age of 20, releasing her from this tumultuous environment through fortuitous circumstances beyond her control. This phase ushered in a period of blissful living in France, initially as a governess, which later evolved into managing a small private hotel and touring around Europe and North Africa. However, the onset of the war brought an end to these experiences.

Angelo's son, Hugh Hyland, describes the personal story of his mother as gripping, with different levels for Angelo, leading to an anticipation of what might come next. When asked about his desired takeaway for readers, he emphasizes, "For them to appreciate the difficulties experienced by previous generations and take positive measures to improve their lives." For more details about the book, please visit https://www.xlibris.com/en-au/bookstore/bookdetails/838782-a-sprig-of-white-heather-and-a-scottish-lass

"A Sprig of White Heather and a Scottish Lass"
By Anne Angelo
Winner of seven Book Awards
Hardcover | 6 x 9in | 192 pages | ISBN 9781669888383
Softcover | 6 x 9in | 192 pages | ISBN 9781669888376
E-Book | 192 pages | ISBN 9781669888369
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble

About the Author
Anne Angelo endured the challenges of World War I and a stern father during her upbringing. Despite training as a pharmacist, her father prevented her from taking the examinations in Edinburgh. Feeling the need to break free, she sought refuge as a governess for a family in the north of France. Her role evolved, and she eventually found herself overseeing a small private hotel. This experience led her on numerous diverse journeys across Europe and North Africa. However, as war loomed once again, she faced the challenges head-on and survived. Shortly thereafter, she penned down the experiences recounted in this book.

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